How much does it cost to charge my car?

This completely depends on your car and the price per kWh that a charge point operator charges. If you’re charging at home, the price per kWh depends on your electricity provider.

The calculation of this is to times the size of your battery (kWh) and the cost of electricity (pence per kWh). 


Check with your home electricity provider as to whether they provide off-peak tariffs to allow you to charge at a cheaper rate when there is a less demand. 



Rapid Charge vs Regular Charging


Rapid charging stations are usually more expensive due to their convenience. 

Similar to petrol and diesel fuel, pricing for charge may be more expensive at service stations on busy motorways. 



Plan in advance

Considering planning ahead for longer journeys to ensure you only stop at cheaper charge points.

The Clenergy EV Android and App Store. is available to download and shows you which charge points are available before your journey.