How do I set up a user group?

User groups are used to collate users who are allocated against a private tariff. For example, this can be used to charge staff a preferential rate as opposed to the public rate. The user group will be allocated against a tariff on a charger group.

  • Navigate to Administration and click into the Owner you would like to add a user group for
  • Click User Groups and select Create User Group
  • Enter the desired name of the User Group 
  • To generate a user group that is accessible by only a Group Code:
    • Tick 'Allow users in not on waiting list?'
    • Click Submit to generate the User Group
    • The HRCode is the group code
  • If you would like to create your own waiting list of users:
    • Untick 'Allow users if not on waiting list?'
    • Click Add Wait User
    • Enter the First Name, Last Name and Identifier. The Identifier will be the user's User Code.