How to onboard: Hydra Echo (Untethered)

This article will talk you through how to onboard a Hydra Echo (Untethered) charger to the Clenergy EV back office.

  1. Connect your laptop to the chargepoint Ethernet port via a RJ45/Ethernet cable and power up the unit.
  2. Ensure the Ethernet port on your laptop is configured to the following IP address: 192.168.1.XXX (XXX being any number between 1 and 255 with the exception of 253). (If you need further help with configuring IP addresses, please see our article here).
  3. Open a web browser and enter the following IP address into the search bar: Then, enter the Username and Password supplied with the charger
    documentation and select Login.

    Echo Untethered - Portal Web App log in
  4. Once logged in, select the Configuration screen from the menu on the left-hand-side.

    Echo Untethered - Portal Config Menu
  5. Select the uppermost field in the Value Property section of the Configuration screen (displays NumberOfConnectors by default). Select CsmsWebsocketUrl from the drop-down menu and enter the following URL in to the Value field: wss://
    Select Get to save and proceed.

    Echo Untethered - CSMS URL
  6. If using a 4g/SIM network connection select SimCardAPN from the drop-down menu in the
    uppermost field (same as previous step) and enter the relevant details from the information highlighted below depending on your SIM supplier, then select Get. Repeat this step for the SimCardUsername and SimCardPassword settings; again using the details specified below. 
    Please note: If using a Clenergy EV-supplied SIM card for the network connection please refer to the details below for the relevant SIM manufacturer and enter the APN details into the appropriate field when required:
    Conexa SIM APN:
    Password/Username (for both suppliers): clenergy
    In the event a 3rd party SIM card is being used, refer to the supplier or manufacturer for the correct details.

    Echo Untethered - APN
  7. If connecting to a Wi-Fi or Ethernet network, scroll to the relevant fields as displayed in the Value Property section and enter the necessary information into the Value field; selecting GET once each field is completed.
    Please note: The details required will vary from installation to installation but a typical Wi-Fi network would only require the NetworkWifiSsid (network name) and NetworkWifiPassword fields configured.

    Echo Untethered - Wifi and network
  8. Select the Information screen from the left-hand menu and review the relevant fields in the information that is presented to ensure the configurations have held.

    Echo Untethered - Portal Info screen