How do I download reports?

To download reports:

  • Navigate to Network > Analysis
  • Select your report type:
    • Income - Individual charging sessions and their income
    • Faults - Fault reports that detail any faults that have occurred on your charge points along with the duration of the fault
    • OZEV - Report that complies with the requirements set by the Office of Zero Emission Vehicles for reporting purposes
    • User - Information about users that you have access to, including details related to RFID cards.
    • User & Income Combined - This report combines details on individual charging sessions and their income, as well as information about users you have access to, including details related to RFID cards.
    • Charger Details - Information regarding your charge points includes details such as when it first connected, the location, status, serial number, and more.
  • Choose the dates you would like to report between
  • Under Report On, select whether you are reporting on a CPO, owner, or host
  • Click Select Entities, choose the relevant option to report on, and click Select
  • Click Download to download your report